245A (Tim Brashier Campus)

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Powering On the System

Turn on the TV and tap the 10" control panel on the wall next to the window.

To Present

  1. Tap Presentation Controls on the 10" control panel.
  2. To present wirelessly with a laptop,
    1. If your computer is a Windows PC,
      1. Press the Windows key  and K at the same time.
      2. Select the room in the Cast pop-up (e.g., 245A)
    2. If your computer is an NGU-issued Mac,
      1. Click the Control Center icon in the menu bar (top right corner).
      2. Click Screen Mirroring and select the room (e.g., 245A).
    3. If your computer is a personal Mac, 
      1. Connect to the Guest WiFi shown on the AirServer (the WiFi name and password is under the Guest Network section on the AirServer).
      2. Click the Control Center icon in the menu bar (top right corner).
      3. Click Screen Mirroring and select the room (e.g., 245A).
  3.  To present with an HDMI cable, connect an HDMI cable from your computer to the HDMI port on the wall that says "LCD Panel".

To Join or Host a Teams Meeting

Schedule the Room

  1. Open Calendar: Use your Microsoft Outlook or Teams calendar to schedule a meeting.
  2. Invite Room: When creating the meeting event, in “Add a location” and select 245A Classroom from the directory. 
  3. Set Date & Time: Choose the appropriate date and time for the meeting.
  4. Invite Attendees: Add participants by entering their email addresses. Invite TBC Operations.
  5. Teams Meeting-Enabled: Make sure that the option for Teams Meeting is toggled on.
  6. Send Invitation: Once all details are set, send the meeting invitation to confirm the room booking and notify attendees.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Host a Meeting

  • On the 10" control panel, if the Teams interface is not showing, tap the Teams logo on the bottom right corner of the display.

Start the Meeting

  1. The Neat controller (Teams console) on the table and the hanging displays will show your scheduled meeting.
  2. If the scheduled meeting was set as a Teams meeting, tap Join on the Neat controller.
  3. If no meeting appears or the room wasn't invited, tap Join with a meeting ID and enter the ID from the calendar invite.

Share Content

To share your screen during a meeting, tap Share on the control panel and cast to the AirServer:

  1. If your computer is a Windows PC,
    1. Press the Windows key  and K at the same time.
    2. Select 245A in the Cast pop-up.
  2. If your computer is an NGU-issued Mac,
    1. Click the Control Center icon in the menu bar (top right corner).
    2. Click Screen Mirroring and select the 245A.
  3. If your computer is a personal Mac
    1. Connect to the Guest Wi-Fi ("245A") using the password shown on the AirServer (under the Guest Wi-Fi section on the AirServer screen).
    2. Click the Control Center icon in the menu bar (top right corner).
    3. Click Screen Mirroring and select the 245A.
  • To share audio, make sure that your audio output is set to 245A.
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