Creating a Digital Signature


Steps to create a digital signature for official documents.


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All officially signed documents must be filled out, signed, and saved with Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free PDF application.

If you don't have Acrobat Reader, you can download it for free here. 

IMPORTANT: Before you click Download Acrobat Reader, uncheck Install McAfee Security Scan Plus. This app is often bundled with other application installers, and users often report issues with their computer after installation.

1. Open a document that requires a digital signature (like a schedule change request form) in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  • NOTE: Sometimes PDFs open by default in a web browser (like Google Chrome, Safari, or Edge) or in a file viewer (like Preview on Macs or Edge on Windows). Right-click (or two-finger click) on the document in File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac), select Open with... and click Adobe Acrobat Reader.

2. Click the signature field you need to sign.

3. In the Digital ID pop-up, select Configure New Digital ID and then Continue.

4. Select Create a new Digital ID and Continue.

5. Select Save to Windows Certificate Store or Save to Apple Keychain, depending on your device. Click Continue.

6. Enter your name and email address and select Save.

7. The Sign Document window will open. Select the correct Digital ID and then Continue.

8.Confirm your Digital ID is similar to the following, then click Sign.

9. Name the document as directed in the document and save it on your device.

10. Your signature on the document should look like the example on the left, not the right:



Article ID: 14792
Tue 8/27/24 9:22 AM
Tue 1/14/25 10:41 AM